Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Canon EOS 5D Mark II with 30fps Full HD movie recording
Professional DSLR with 1920 x 1080 (16:9) up to 12 mins movie recording (Quicktime 30.000 fps, 1080p H.264; 38.6 Mbits/sec)
Seems like Canon did a lot right in their first attempt. External mic connector, (slow) contrast auto focus while filming ...
Specifications and sample movie files at
The sample movie with the bird looks promising but I'm cautious. Shutter speed seems to be determined automatically in movie mode so this camera also has no full manual mode when shooting video. Nevertheless it's a huge advance compared to the Nikon D90 (at a three times higher price though).
Not clear yet:
- How good is the downssampling from the full sensor area?
Update: Not perfect just look at the guitar strings at the right edge.
- Can movie recording be triggered via an infrared remote?
Update: According to the manual yes but I have no clue how it's done with just a single button on the remote.
- Does 40 Mbits/s 1280p equal 20 Mbits/s 1280i?
Update: Most likely.
Update: The video quality of the Canon is much better than that of the D90 but there are also problems with 50Hz flicker With manual shutter speed control you wouldn't have this problem.