Thursday, November 13, 2008

REDs new program is modular and out of reach for consumers.

RED got surprised by DSLRs that shoot video and foreseeing the near future they had to rethink their whole Scarlet concept. The outcome announced today looks great. Scarlet has become a modular system so advances in technology doesn't require to buy a new camera, just a new module (Buying a new "brain" will let you feel like buying three cameras though). You can now configure a DSLR like model, a cinema-style camera or a shoulder mount one and more.

What's not so great are the prices. A "brain" module with a sensor the size of the Nikon D90 is $7000!!! and one with a sensor the size of the Canon 5D markII is $12.000!!! This is absolute "Pro" territorium. Mind you that's only the sensor in a box with electronics and a Nikon or Canon mount. After adding a handle, batteries, a LCD, a storage module and a lens you end up in RED ONE regions.

The much less interesting, tiny sensor "original" Scarlet with fixed lens and 2/3" sensor can still be configured although it's price has still to be announced.

My pain threshold is $3000. With these prices my future large sensor photo/movie cam will most likely be a Panasonic Micro Four Thirds model.

Nikon and Canon don't have to be afraid of RED. There's no "DSLR killer" from RED. The mass market is still safe and they can continue to give us tiny progress steps at a time.